Anyone has lupus/or has gotten kidney biospy? - lupus biopsy
My doctor told me that the kidney could be lupus, but no symptoms such as fatigue, but I'm lazy .. lol ... Nevertheless, this will be a visit to a kidney biopsy. Does it hurt to get a kidney biopsy. I can not the pain. And made for those lupus, the changes that you have your lupus? Do you eat differently or more sports?
Lupus Biopsy Anyone Has Lupus/or Has Gotten Kidney Biospy?
4:54 PM
I had a kidney biopsy and could not be found painful. The doctor numbed his back in the kidney area. A hollow needle is inserted. Another small needle through the first small tissue fragments and inserted is taken from the kidney. They go home the same day and are usually awake during the procedure. I cried day in fear of my biopsy and now I look back and realize that it is not a big problem.
Fatigue is a symptom of lupus. I thought I was too lazy or defective?
The absence of a biopsy, unless you have other symptoms of kidney disease lupus, the protein in your urine or creatinine clearance of abnormal blood.
Changes? I love yoga. Walking almost every day for an hour. Stay away from the sun. Avoid stress. Rest when tired. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, animal products very quickly. I try to avoid processed foods. I take my medication faithfully. I meditate.
I've since February 2003 Plaquenil and Cellcept since October 2003. My experiments are large and mostly FeThe better than me for years. (In 2003, he had a bone marrow failure, heart failure and kidney failure early. I am currently working full time again.)
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