Buffer Calculator Phosphate Help On JAVA Programming Language?

Help on JAVA Programming Language? - buffer calculator phosphate

How can a string buffer, a float?
I'm writing a computer program that gives the user the numbers in a string buffer will be saved.
How can I float to a string buffer, or double, so you can add, subtract, multiply or divide.
Thank you all for your help in advance.


Siva said...

You can not convert directly StringBuffer swim or to double.
You need to convert to convert a StringBuffer String.Then can float or double as you want.
It can be shown as
StringBuffer s1 = new StringBuffer ( "31.0");
float f = Integer.parseInt (s1.toString ());
double d = Double.parseDouble (s1.toString ());

Note that there is a possibility NumberFormatException if the string is not a number that convertdir be able to swim.

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