Is Diazepam Illegal In Thailand In Thailand Is It Illegal To Import Diazepam?

In Thailand Is it illegal to import diazepam? - is diazepam illegal in thailand

THE flight to Thailand in a few days when I did not take to flight planning for a small amount of diazepam do IM. I have a medical certificate that you toKNOW if this due to the strict laws on drugs are legal.


chrisbel... said...

hola ... No, "you're welcome to take a drug such as diazepam, without any of the CERT medical ... because if they found that (in passing through the customs), with dogs, then stop immediately.

I know because I lived for 14 years, you know "make" that their method is very good ... Infact I have been more than 100 aspirin, recorded in a plastic container ... Warning, and then only for you.

As_It_Is said...

Drugs kill and Thailand very bad combination ... Ask the Thai Embassy for the exact rules here, not ...

Team words come to mind shooting or hanging

Michelle said...

Yes, you can make diazepam in the United States or any other country.

Gerald J said...

Yes, it is illegal to import or diazapam Thailand, I am sure that almost every country in the world without prescription.
And yes, if one is caught. I am sure that they have undesirable consequences. But although it is technically considered drug trafficking, a few pills would not likely cause problems. I am not defending the smuggling, but it is very unlikely that you have problems. I was in and out of Thailand more than 80 times in the last 5 or 6 years, and sometimes a sleeping pill or two, never had a problem, though I discreetly hidden just in case. Besides, I have never found a dog or a hunting dog, I would qualify for a couple of tablets, as diazapam. My best answer would be to fly a doctor and a prescription as prescribed diazapam most doctors, or something similar, people with doubts. On the other side is, I fear no pills.

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